As we approach the end of the year, we experience a range of emotions: joy from cherished memories, sadness from painful situations, and perhaps even some anxiety and uncertainty about the year ahead. Despite these mixed feelings, the end of the year is the ideal time to reflect on our journey and consider how to create a more balanced life in the coming year.

Here are three simple ways to reflect on the past year in your PLOTTER:
- 2 Stars and 1 Wish
Originating from teaching pedagogy, the “2 Stars and 1 Wish” method of reflection offers a gentle way to embrace both our achievements and areas where we can improve. At the heart of it, “2 Stars and 1 Wish” is a way to highlight two things that were done well in a piece of work—the 2 Stars—and one thing in a piece of work that could be improved upon—the 1 Wish.
We can translate this practice of “2 Stars and 1 Wish” in our end of year reflection. Like stars illuminating the night sky, we choose two shining moments from our year and reflect on how these lights guided our path. Then, like making a wish upon a star, we contemplate one area where we hope to shine brighter in the coming year.

- Goal Reflection
As the year draws to a close, it’s time to revisit those goals and aspirations we penned at the beginning of the year. Some goals may have turned into reality, while others might still be seeds waiting to grow. Consider each goal with compassion and reflect on their status. Here are some guiding questions to help in your goal reflection at the end of this year:
- Goal Achievement Status
- Which goals did you accomplish?
- Which goals did you work on but not complete?
- Which goals remain incomplete?
- For Accomplished Goals
- What new goals can build upon this success?
- For Partially Complete Goals
- Should this goal carry over to next year?
- What new strategies could help achieve this goal in the new year?
- Does the goal need rewording or adjustment? Does this goal still apply with my values?
- For Incomplete Goals
- Was the goal realistic for your lifestyle? If not, why?
- Did it align with your values?
- Could it be approached differently next year?
This reflection process is crucial for setting meaningful goals in the upcoming year.

- Mind Maps
On a PLOTTER Refill, draw or list 3-5 key domains in your life that are important and meaningful to you and draw branches from each domain. At each branch, write down a significant memory, accomplishment, or goal related to that domain. You can draw lines between different branches that may be connected or interrelated. By doing this practice, you can reflect on different intersections and connections between different aspects of your life.

It is easy to think that your progress and growth this year may be limited to one aspect in your life, but more often than not, these changes and growth are related to other aspects in your life.
The practice of mind-mapping can help you notice more nuanced connections between different facets of your life and highlight places of growth but also areas in your life where changes need to be made.

As you embrace these reflection practices—whether through stars and wishes, goal reflection, or mind mapping—remember that reflection isn’t about dwelling on the past, but rather about learning from it to create a more intentional future. Each method offers a unique lens to view your year, helping you celebrate your progress while also thoughtfully planning your path for next year. Take time this season to honor your growth, acknowledge your challenges, and set mindful intentions for the year ahead.

Draw today, shape tomorrow.