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Mid-Year Goal Reflection with PLOTTER

Close-up of PLOTTER Leather Binder open with notes beside ice coffee, Refill Memo Pad, Pen and eye glasses.

As we approach the end of June, it’s an ideal time to revisit the goals you set at the beginning of the year. Have your aspirations shifted or evolved? This halfway point in the year is an ideal moment to thoroughly review your objectives and plan for the remaining months. Let’s review our goals and reflect on the year using PLOTTER Leather Binders.

PLOTTER Leather Binder open with notes beside ice coffee, Refill Memo Pad, Pen and eye glasses.

Self-reflection requires a realistic frame of mind. If you haven’t accomplished a specific goal, it’s crucial to understand why and strategize for the future. Our objectives often change as we grow so it is important to continuously reexamine your goals to see if they are still relevant. Consider these questions when reassessing your goals:

  1. Do my current goals align with my values and ambitions for this year?
  2. What progress have I made? If progress is minimal, why might that be?
  3. Are there new objectives and goals I wish to achieve this year?

Reflection by Themes

PLOTTER Leather Binder open with notes about planner systems beside ice coffee, pens and eye glasses.
PLOTTER Leather Binder open with notes about planner systems beside ice coffee, pens and eye glasses.

You can structure your mid-year reflection by theme. For instance, personal goals could be evaluated separately from work or professional objectives. This separation could add structure to your reflection process. You might examine your personal goals in one section and your work or professional goals in another.

Close-up of PLOTTER Leather Binder open to notes about a mid-year goal reflection.

If you are reflecting on sensitive or private goals, you can fold your page in half and store it in your PLOTTER to keep it concealed, especially in public or work settings. Alternatively, you can store your private goal reflection in a Project Manager folder to keep it hidden and organized.

PLOTTER Leather Binder open with a folded page beside ice coffee, and eye glasses.
Close-up of PLOTTER Leather Binder open with a folded page beside eye glasses and a PLOTTER Refill Memo Pad.
Close-up of PLOTTER Leather Binder open with a folded page.

Acknowledge Any Progress

Sometimes, our progress may not align with the specific goals we set initially, but upon reflection, we might find growth in unexpected areas. Acknowledging any new skills or learnings can help you recognize your development. By focusing on growth and learning, you can counteract potential negative self-talk that might surface when reflecting on your goals.

PLOTTER Leather Binder open with notes called "things I learned this year" beside ice coffee, Refill Memo Pad, Pen and eye glasses.
Person writing in a PLOTTER Leather Binder open to a page of notes called "things I learned this year" beside ice coffee, Refill Memo Pad, Pen and eye glasses.

While it’s important to stay realistic when reassessing our goals, we should also recognize our accomplishments and lessons learned so far this year. While it’s thrilling to make progress or achieve our goals, remember that it’s not a competition with others or ourselves.

PLOTTER Leather Binder open with notes called "things I learned this year" beside ice coffee, Refill Memo Pad, Pen and eye glasses.
Person writing in a PLOTTER Leather Binder open to a page of notes called "things I learned this year" beside ice coffee, Refill Memo Pad, Pen and eye glasses.

With a refreshed sense of purpose and insightful reflections, let’s move forward with optimism, ready to embrace the opportunities ahead.

PLOTTER Leather Binder open with notes beside ice coffee, Refill Memo Pad, Pen and eye glasses.

Stay organized, determined, and steadfast in the pursuit of your goals with PLOTTER!